MAISON THIERCELIN Versión de Odoo 11.0

Información sobre MAISON THIERCELIN instancia de Odoo, el ERP de código abierto.

Aplicaciones instalados

Purchase Quality Check
Iniciativas, oportunidades, actividades
Dynamic Workflow Builder
Dynamic Workflow Builder
Proyectos, tareas
Gestión de inventario
Inventario, Logística, Almacenes
Órdenes de fabricación, listas de materiales, rutas de producción
Gestión de ventas
Presupuesto, pedidos de venta, facturación
Partes de horas
Review and approve employees time reports
Conversaciones, listas de correo, noticias
Gestión de ausencias
Leave allocations and leave requests
Invoicing Management
Enviar facturas y gestionar pagos
Notas pegables, colaborativas, memorandos
Contructor de sitios web
Construya su sitio web corporativo
Comercio electrónico
Venda sus productos en línea
Gestión de compras
Pedidos de compra, recibos, facturas de proveedor
Directorio de Empleados
Puestos de trabajo, departamentos, datos de empleados
Gestiona asistencia de empleado
Proceso de selección
Puestos de trabajo, reclutamiento, solicitudes, entrevistas de trabajo
Control de gastos
Validación de gastos, facturación
Partner Stages
Partner Stages
Account Credit Control
Account Financial Reports
OCA Financial Reports
Account Fiscal Year
Manage Agreements, LOI and Contracts
Crea tu tablero personalizado
Letter Management / Design Letters / Print Letters
Design and Print Letters
Directorio de contactos
Clientes, proveedores, empresas,...
Fiscal year and periods
Frequently Asked Questions
Create FAQs
Helpdesk Management
Knowledge Management System
MailChimp Connector
Integrate & Manage MailChimp Operations from Odoo
Mass Accounting Cancel
Management System
MIS Builder
Build 'Management Information System' Reports and Dashboards
MuK QMS Documents Bundle
Quality Management System
MuK Documents
Document Management System
MuK QMS Documents
Quality Management System
Partner Sequence
Payment Follow-up Management | Account Follow up | Customer Payment
Product Questions
Manage your website Product Questions
Product to PDF
Product to PDF
Mail Messages Easy. Reply to message, Forward messages or Move messages to other thread, Mark messages Delete Undelete Archive messages Print message
Powerful tool for managing all Odoo messages in one place!
Quality Assurance
Manage Your Quality Assurance Processes
Activity Management Base
Activity Management Odoo, Activity Scheduler Odoo, Manage Project Activity, Manage Employee Activity Module, Manage Supervisor Activity, Filter Completed Activity,filter planned Activity Odoo
All in One Custom Checklist
Sale Order Checklist,Purchase Order Checklist,Manufacturing Checklist,Stock Checklist,CRM Checklist,Employee Entry Exit Checklist,Meeting Checklist,Project Checklist,Project Task Checklist,MRP Checklist,Sales Checklist,Bunch Checklist Odoo
User Approval
Approve Signup Users module manage user signup approval process, the admin can approve or reject the account request of the user. This module provides approval or rejects functionality for all new users after sign up. This module provides security to avoid fake user so the first verified user and then activated that account. Once the account is approved or rejects the user gets an email notification. Only approved users can log in into the website & restricted users can't log in. User Approval Odoo, Signup User Management Odoo Signup User Approval Module, Manage Signup Users,User Reverification, User Rejection By Admin, Mass User Approve, Multiple Users Approve In Single Click, Bulk User Reject Odoo. Signup User Approval, Manage Signup Users,User Reverification App, User Rejection By Admin, Mass User Approve Module, Multiple Users Approve, Bulk User Reject Odoo. User Approval 用户批准 Approbation de l'utilisateur Benutzergenehmigung Approvazione dell'utente Aprobación del usuario Aprovação do Usuário
Website Blog FAQs
A website blog FAQ is an extension for an odoo blog that allows you to add Frequently Asked Questions to your blog posts. FAQs are great additions to your blog post for several reasons. They make it easier and faster for your visitors to get the information they need about your blogs. Additionally, FAQs on your blog pages are great for SEO because they give you more targeted content relating to each blog which Google can use to determine that your store is an authority site. You can add unlimited questions and answers in each blog. All types of content text-images-videos-script are allowed in each answer. So, become creative, and enhance your blog's experience with rich content, images, and even some video tutorials! Once they are entered, your FAQs will appear in a new section on your blog page. Admin can enable/disable(publish/unpublish) FAQ easily, We have made 5 attractive styles to present FAQ. Cheers! Website Blog FAQ Management Odoo Set Website Blog FAQ Module, Blog Frequently Asked Question, Website Blog FAQ Page, Ecommerce FAQ, Blog FAQ Style, Blog FAQ Design, FAQ Website Blog Management Odoo Website Blog FAQ Module, Blog Frequently Asked Question, Website FAQ Management App, Website Blog FAQ Page, Ecommerce FAQ, Blog FAQ Style, Blog FAQ Design, FAQ Website Blog Management, Blog FAQ, Website FAQ Odoo
Category Snippets
Category Snippets, Category Slider Snippet Module, Stylish Category Snippets, Categories Blocks App, Category Snipet Application, Category Box, Category Content Box, Featured Snippet, Alternative Category Snnipet, Multiple Category Snippets Odoo
Customer Survey Management
Customer Survey Management, User Survey,customer Feedback Module, Perform Market Search App,Survey For Feedback, Client Survey Send Email, Take Customer Survey Odoo
Excel Dynamic Global Export
Do you want to export an excel report based on your own structure(requirements)? Do you want to make an export for any model(object) of odoo? Do you want to select your own fields for export output? Do you want to export your own custom template? So here you are! We have made a fantastic tool to export data in excel with your own data format and without any technical skill, You just need to select models and fields and that's it. You can export any type of model(object) and related fields of the model. You can also export some special odoo fields like one2many, many2many, many2one very easily. Cheers! Excel Dynamic Global Export Odoo, XLS Dynamic Global Export Odoo Generate Dynamic Excel Report Module, Make Global XLS Report, Export Data In Excel, Export Data In XLS, Make Custom Template In Excel, Create Custom Template In XLS, Export Selected Data In Excel, Export Important Data In XLS Odoo Dynamic Excel Report Module, Global XLS Report, Export Excel Data, Export XLS Data, Excel Custom Template App, Custom Template In XLS, Export Selected Data Excel, XLS Export Important Data,Export Excel, Excel Export, Output In Excel, XLS Export, Export XLS, Excel Export Own Fields, XLSX Export, Export XLSX Odoo XLS Dynamic Global Export XLS动态全球出口 Exportation mondiale dynamique XLS XLS Dynamic Global Export Esportazione globale dinamica XLS Exportación global dinámica XLS Exportação Global Dinâmica XLS
Dynamic global export base
Dynamic Excel Report Module, Global XLS Report, Export DOC Data, Export XML Data app, XLS Export Important Data,Export CSV, DOC Export, Output In CSV, XML Export, Export TXT, Export Own Fields, XLSX Export, Export XML Odoo
Auto Reorder/Feedback Email Notification
Auto Reorder Email Notification, Feedback email notification,Auto Notify Email App, Default Customer Mail, Auto Schedule Time For New User Module, Auto Feedback For Customer Odoo
Global Custom Fields
Add New Field Module, Make Global Dynamic Fields, Create New Field App, Assign Custom Fields Odoo, Update Global Custom Field, Update Global Custom Tab Odoo.
Icon or Image Snippet
Icon Snippets,Image Snippets,Icon Blocks,Image Blocks, Icon or Image Block,Website Snippet, Icon Snipet,Image Snipet, Icon or Image Snipet, Icon or Image Box, Icon Content Box,Image Content Box
New Sale Order Email Notification
new quote notification module, sale order email notification, automatic send so app odoo, new quotation email notify, new sale order mail notify odoo
Shopify Odoo Connector
Integrate & Manage your all your Shopify operations from Odoo
Product Catalog Generator
Create Product Catalogue, Custom Product Catalog App, Make Own Product Catalog, Product Catalogue Module, Customize Product Catalogue, Product Catalog Template, Design Product Catalog, Product Catalog Management, Product Catalogue Builder Odoo
Website Product FAQ
A website Product FAQ is an extension for odoo e-commerce that allows you to add Frequently Asked Questions to your store’s products. FAQs are great additions to your store for several reasons. They make it easier and faster for your visitors to get the information they need about your products that allow them to make purchases faster and with less customer service support than ever before. Additionally, FAQs on your product pages are great for SEO because they give you more targeted content relating to each product which Google can use to determine that your store is an authority site. You can add unlimited questions and answers in each product. All types of content text-images-videos-script are allowed in each answer. So, become creative, and enhance your product's experience with rich content, images, and even some video tutorials! Once they are entered, your FAQs will appear in a new section on your product page. Admin can enable/disable(publish/unpublish) FAQ easily, We have made 5 attractive styles to present FAQ. Cheers! Website Product FAQ Management Odoo Set Website Product FAQ Module, Product Frequently Asked Question, Website Product FAQ Page, Ecommerce FAQ, Product FAQ Style, Product FAQ Design, FAQ Website Product Management Odoo Website Product FAQ Module, Product Frequently Asked Question, Website FAQ Management App, Website Product FAQ Page, Ecommerce FAQ, Product FAQ Style, Product FAQ Design, FAQ Website Product Management, Product FAQ, Website FAQ Odoo
Products Template Custom Checklist
Product Checklist Product Custom Checklist Make Checklist List Of Items Required Reminder Checklist Remember Of Important Things Product Template Checklist Product Template Custom Checklist Product Variant Checklist Product Variant Custom Checklist Odoo
Sales Credit Limit
A credit limit is the maximum amount of credit offered to a customer. You can set a credit limit for every customer using this module. For example, a manager grants a credit limit of $5,000 to a customer. The credit limit is used to limit the amount of loss that order will on hold if a customer does not pay. you can also notify the customer by email when a customer crosses his credit limit. And that order status will automatically set 'On hold'. This module also provides a different way to notify the customer by email. Customer Sales Credit Limit Odoo Set Credit Limit For Customer, Grant Sales Credit Limit For User, Choose Credit Limit For Client, Decide Credit Limit For Every Customer Odoo. Set Client Credit Limit App, Decide Customer Credit Limit Module, Choose User Credit Limit Odoo. Sales Credit Limit 销售信用额度 Limite de crédit de vente Verkaufskreditlimit Limite del credito di vendita Límite de crédito de ventas Limite de crédito de vendas
Customer Sales Order History
Generate Customer Sales Order History, Last Sales Order History Module, SO Reorder Product Lines, Client Quotation History, Find History From SO App, Get Last Sale Order History Application, Search Customer Last Quote History Odoo
Sign Up Terms & Conditions
This module is used to display terms and conditions when any user is signing up on your website. If you want to add terms and condition boolean at the bottom of the signup form. Easy to create signup terms and conditions using this module and set into the website sign up form. To create terms and conditions install this module and go to the website configuration setting then check the right 'Show Terms and Conditions'. Signup Terms & Condition Odoo Display Signup Signup Terms & Condition, Show Signup Terms & Condition Odoo, Create Signup Terms & Condition, Set Website Signup Terms & Condition Odoo. Show Signup Terms And Condition App, Create Signup Terms And Condition Module, Set Signup Terms And Condition Odoo. Signup Terms & Conditions 注册条款和条件 Conditions générales d'inscription Anmeldebedingungen Termini e condizioni di registrazione Términos y condiciones de registro Termos e condições da inscrição
Snippet Builder
You have some technical knowlege about web designing and you want to build some custom snippets for your website? Currently odoo does not provide any snippet where you can type code and design a snippet. so that whay we made this module. It will provide a plateform where you can make design and build a snippets for your websites. Snippet Builder Odoo Snippets Builder Module, Make Snippet, create Website Block, Snnipet Builder Blocks, Snippet Generator, Snipet Build, snnipet Builder Box, Website Content Box, HTML box, HTML block, css block, js block, HTML Snnipet, HTML Snipet, css block, js Box. Snippets Builder Module, Make Snippet, create Website Block, Snnipet Builder Blocks, Snippet Generator, Snipet Build App, snnipet Builder Box, Website Content Box, HTML box, HTML block, css block, js block, HTML Snnipet, HTML Snipet, css block, js Box. Snippet Builder 片段生成器 Générateur d'extraits Snippet Builder Snippet Builder Constructor de fragmentos Snippet Builder
Timeline Snippets
A timeline is a display of a list of events in chronological order. It is typically a graphic design showing a long bar labeled with dates paralleling it, and usually contemporaneous events. This module useful to make your webpage beautiful with timeline snippets. you can easily give your action text links images etc. so very useful to show the important history of your organization in this. you can use this snippet without any technical skill. you can easily add links change images change the text. if you want to see how it will work then please check out this video. Timeline ContentBox, Timeline Box, Timeline Snipet, Timeline Snippet, Timeline Snippets,timeline blocks, time line blocks, timeline block, time line block, Website Snippets. Timeline Snippet 时间轴摘要 Extrait de chronologie Timeline-Snippet Snippet della sequenza temporale Fragmento de línea de tiempo Snippet da linha do tempo
Unpaid Invoice Auto Email
unpaid invoice reminder module, unpaid payment automatic mail, unpaid invoice notifier app, unpaid payment alert odoo
Website FAQ
web frequently asked questions, website faq module, manage website faq, generate web faq app, create website faq odoo
Back in Stock Notifications
Boost Your Sales with Notifications on Adding Products Back to Stock
Theme Crafito
Advanced Responsive Theme with A Range of Custom Snippets
Crear encuestas, recabar respuestas e imprimir estadísticas
Marketing por email
Diseñar, enviar y gestionar correos electrónicos
Equipamientos, bienes, hardware interno, seguimiento de la asignación
Calendario personal y compartido
Noticias, blogs, anuncios, conversaciones
Eventos online
Publish Events and Manage Online Registrations on your Website